Thematic AreaS
- Ecosystem based adaptation and environmental conservation
- Nature based solutions and green infrastructure for disaster mitigation and adaptation.
- Biodiversity conservation and enhancing natural capital to strengthen resilience.
- Natural resource management for climate resilience.
- Traditional knowledge for environmental protection and community resilience.
- Environmental impact assessment from disasters.
- Ecosystem services valuation in relation socio-ecological resilience
- Systemic risk analysis and systems approach for disaster risk management.
- Cascading, compounding, concurrent, and multi-hazard risks, and resilience
- Transboundary disaster and climate risk management
- Interdisciplinary approach to complex and multidimensional crisis management and humanitarian action.
- Climate or disaster induced displacement and migration.
- Coastal protection and resilient coastal infrastructure
- Delta and estuary resilience and ecosystem services.
- Assessing and modelling coastal hazards and risks
- Biophysical and ecological resilience through conservation efforts
- Livelihood diversification and adaptation strategies for coastal communities
- Green, grey, and hybrid engineering to mitigate and adapt to coastal disasters.
- Integrated coastal zone management to build long term coastal resilience.
- Adaptive governance and decision making in emergencies.
- International collaboration and coordination in complex emergencies, multilateral risk governance and management frameworks.
- Community based approaches and engagement for disaster risk management.
- Incident command system, crisis management and emergency response.
- Cash based assistance, adaptive social protection, and risk financing schemes.
- Stakeholder engagement, private sector collaboration, and Public Private Partnership for DRR.
- Green financing, risk financing and business continuity planning.
- Assessing direct and indirect economic impact of disasters.
- Sustainable reconstruction and recovery.
- People-centred early warning systems and preparedness
- Strengthening infrastructures through innovative technologies.
- Sustainable construction and architecture for earthquake resistance and protection.
- Mainstreaming DRR and CCA in building protection policies and bylaws.
- Disaster Resilient critical infrastructure (transportation, urban waste management, telecommunications and power sector,
- Resilient water resource management, agriculture for water-energy-food nexus
- Cross sectoral and interdependency infrastructure risk assessment.
- Public health infrastructure and disease surveillance in disasters.
- Supply chain and logistics management to promote business continuity.
- Urban cities and regions as complex systems
- Green infrastructure for urban resilience
- Ensuring infrastructure operability and services during emergencies
- Remote sensing and geospatial technology for disaster management
- Big data analytics, machine learning, and leveraging AI applications for disaster management.
- Blockchain technology and data securities in disaster management
- Hazard detection, monitoring, and forecasting
- Early warning and decision support systems for anticipatory action.
- Data science, crowdsourcing, and IoT for risk information and communication.
Abstract Submission Guideline
- All interested authors are invited to submit one abstract for the symposium, relevant to one or more thematic areas.
- The deadline of submission is at 23:59 PM ICT on 30th October, 2023.
- Abstracts must only be submitted through the Google Form. Abstracts submitted via email or other media will not be entertained. No specific formatting is required.
- The abstract must be limited between 150 to 300 words.
- The abstract should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding jargon and provide a brief and understandable overview of the research, enabling reviewers and attendees to grasp the key points easily.
- Authors must ensure that their abstract is relevant to the symposium’s objectives and the thematic areas mentioned in the abstract call. The research and/or work presented must contribute to the discussions and discourse of the symposium.
- Authors should provide accurate and complete information about themselves, including their contact details, affiliations, and any other required information specified by the symposium organizers.
- Authors will be notified about the outcome of their abstract submission within three business days via email, upon which they will receive an Abstract ID and further instructions regarding the payment and registration process.
Please note that:
- Abstract of the Registered Participants will be compiled and circulated as Conference Resource Material in digital format.
- Only Registered Participants will be invited to submit FULL Paper for consideration of the Publication with DRSD-2023 Publication Partners.